Monday 25 June 2007

More bread for dinner

I should eat wheat-free at night. Like every other woman on this planet. At least according to Marie-Claire, Red, Elle, Cosmo and whatever else they are called. A wheat-free evening is the key to a speck-free life.
But there is the wheat-free dilemma: I think Scott could do with a bit more speck on his body and I could do with a little less. Carbs and wheat for him and no carbs for me. What to cook for dinner then?
Meat/fish with salad or veggie stir fry for me. So I try to feed Scott with extra rice or a pasta dish. But let's face it: Scott's having his 4th pasta dish this week - and it's only Friday: not much of a variety.
So why not a healthy burger for a change.

Turkey burger on rosemary bread with corn-on-the-cob
: 2 slices of rosemary bread
: 1.5 turkey escallops
: 1 fried egg
: cheddar
: butter
: ketchup
: pickled peppers or peppadews
: 1 cooked corn-on-the-cob

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