Thursday 2 August 2007

Slim dinner: Soy steamed veggies with rice

I went to the gym today, as I do most days. Oh no, I don't enjoy it a bit, but that way I can eat more ;-)
I was doing my exercises on the Swiss ball when my personal trainer whom I occasionally have sessions with approached me. He sat down next to me: "I saw you working out on Tuesday and you looked amazing! You must have lost quite a lot of weight".
He surely was baffled that I wasn't even the slightest bit delighted about his comment. What he didn't know though is that I had the gastric flu just a few days before. No wonder then that I had the flattest of all stomachs. But since I was sitting on the ball he couldn't see that meawhile I was back to my old self.

Crap, so my personal trainer now expects me to be slim! Veggies for dinner then.I still had a pack of Chinese Choi Sum in my fridge. I fried it with some garlic, fresh lemongrass, freshly squeezed orange juice and soy sauce, added very little rice and some water and let it steam for a bit. It was a meagre dinner, but not bad at all.

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